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Showing posts with label SHOES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SHOES. Show all posts


Favourite Shoes & TV Shows

Just a light-hearted post is for everyone who wants to know what tv shows I'm watching these days. But let's mix it up with my favorite things & props.

All are either on Netflix, Prime or Hotstar. I'll mark the ones I'm hooked to with a ☆


✩ Fleabag ~ This is the funniest show I've ever watched! It's a British drama-comedy
I've only watched 5 episodes so far, and I laugh out loud every time. Watch it, ladies.

☆ Big Little Lies ~ Season 2 is a bit dullsville till now, hope it gets better.

Divorce ~ Just started watching. Starring Sarah Jessica Parker.

Stranger Things ~ Currently on Season 2


38 Years Old, A Romance Novel Life & Unending Shopping Addiction

Life's been more exciting than any vacation I've ever been on. 
Not necessarily good or perfect, and I fall down a lot, but when I'm up & my antennas aren't disrupted (and I dress up a bit), it's something else.

Hot & intense, unpredictable & 'Romance Novel-esque' ;)
(This is gonna prick some people..... *ahem*)

It's true what they say, life really does begin in your late 30's, because that's when you know, without a shadow of a doubt, who you really are & who/what you WANT.

These days, my soul screams for the things it craves at 3:55 am

Either that, or Ziizayne has kicked me in his sleep again.

As some of you know, my birthday happened too soon again, and I am officially 38 years old now.
  I know I'm 3 weeks late with my mandatory birthday post & it's been sitting idly in my drafts since.

So, for all of you waiting to see a Birthday Haul....

Aside from my entire outfit here, I collected some things before my birthday:


Bye Bye Summer! {OOTD}

Fun Fact 1: 
This is my most favorite dressy outfit of Summer 2017. The coral top, especially. I'd buy every one shoulder flounce top if I could.

Fun Fact 2: 
I never wore it, because I was saving it for a special occasion. You know how you put together a brand new outfit for something? You think: I'll wear this top. But with what kind of bottoms?Umm, black skirt/shorts? No, it has to be a fun florally something, not black & flat. Hey! Definitely not that black crow-type skirt you're thinking about right now! Okay, one of 4 brands I'm so loyal to will have something.
(Btw, said occasion NEVER happened. I don't wanna talk about it! =\)

Horrifying Fact: 
The little heart bracelet I'm wearing here I almost threw out with a shopping bag, along with a pack of H&M rose gold hair clips. I'd completely forgotten about them! I also have no memory of me buying them : | ... I'm going to check exactly when I bought them, so I know what state of mind I was in at the time. But I assure you, I've never shopped when I'm drunk! ;p


Shoe Pom Poms

Question: Have you ever hidden a clothing item (etc) when you're not sure whether you want to buy it or not, because you think you'll leave the store and go around the mall, and if in case you want it later, you'd just come back for it and it wouldn't be sold out (esp if it's the last piece/size)? You tuck it between a pile of jeans (I did this with a pair of shorts at Zara once), or you simply hide it in another corner rack? So nobody sees it!

Okay, either you do it too, or I taught you a new...umm....trick.


OOTD ~ Varsity Sweater Dress


~ Why didn't I apply a black nail polish? Or black & white stripes...haha... who are you kidding?!
~ When will the skin on my hands be smooth again? Moist.
~ What if that aggressive father monkey that was living on our balcony when we were out of town comes back & attacks me? I'll use backpack as a shield. 

~ Hmm...I feel like watching that movie 'The Craft' again.

 ~ Tiesto. Playing. In Gurgaon. Can't go. Life of a Mommy, sigh. (He's playing tonight, btw)

~ My baby. Can't wait for bedtime cuddles & tickles.

 ♪ ♫ My heart is a ghost town...toodoo...doodoodoo.... ♪ ♫


Still Here....

Soul in my goddamn imperfect world.
            Feet in my seemingly perfect shoes. 

(Wait, that didn't rhyme anymore! But it's not meant to be poetry, you idiot. Okay, keep going....)

But you.....
(Yes, pause for effect.)
 No matter how many times I've failed,
I'll always find my way back to you.

(What the....Cheeesy! Get outta here!!! Go put on that new dark lipstick that matches that F21 headband you treat like a piece of valuable art, and....ah, never mind.... just get out!)


{Shoes: Forever New Azalea Mesh Cut Out Heels}


New Hair Feat. Things I Love

I fell sick one week,
Baby CZii fell sick the next week,
I fell sick again that same week,
In the middle of last week....
 I made an impromptu trip to my hometown,
Slow Wi-fi. Doesn't even work at night!
Now I'm sitting in the living room while Baby CZii is sleeping upstairs,
Wi-fi comes and goes,
I'm hoping I'll be able to publish this post successfully.....
(Prove me wrong you Reliance dongle you!)
Before he wakes up & cries for milk  biscuits.

10 mins later:
Shucks! I can hear him already!
Oh, it's just my 1.5-year-old nephew.
Uh-oh, now he's next to me trying to grab my laptop!

Now if we were in a relationship, you wouldn't still think about breaking up with me because I did not keep in touch, would you? 
I've got issues, and it's not Apple Tree Yard*

Okay, about new hair: I got it cut & colored last month. I wanted side swept bangs,coz one day my forehead just looked so LARGE! Does it increase with age & childbirth?, I wondered. 
I asked for shoulder-length with lots of volume at the top, and I got, you could say, "The Rachel" (FRIENDS) haircut.

Color was achieved after a lot of stripping - meaning: bleaching & stripping away all of the orange in my hair. They used L'Oreal Majirel Lightest Ash Blonde.

These shoes! I got them from my hometown in January. Available in 2 colors. I got both. Not at the same time, I went for these another time - because, you know, I was losing sleep ;p. I wore them for the very first time last month, and was so pleasantly surprised that they're sooo comfortable for pencil heels.

I will post the other ones on my shoe blog


Charles & Keith Heels ~ Total Steal!

Happy Sunday, all! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday. Me, I went out shopping with my boys for a few hours.

I just realized this is CZloves' very first blog post of 2015. I don't know where January went!

I got these Charles & Keith Tri-Colour Ankle Strap Heels on SALE in November or December last year, and thought I'd share, because I see they're still available online for those interested.

I just LOVE the design - very out-of-the-box!


Maxi Dress Outfit & Maternity Shoot ~ For Bubbles....

Bubbles, you're so heavy!
It makes me want to bend on all fours to get you off my spine....
Like a cat - MEOW!
Okay, we should do a "Maternity Shoot"
I dress up and pose and show off how big we've gotten,
You try not to headbutt my bladder like you want to evict it.
Most people seem to go to serene forest-type places....
with trees and daisies and magical-looking sun rays 
that kiss their flower headbands delicately.
And they hire pro photographers.
No, we aren't 'most people'.
No, we are not going to a forest.
You & I will do low-budget DIY shoot.
But, on the bright side.....
We'll get to wear high heels.....


Cushioned Thong Sandals

I find closed ballet flats too stuffy now that my feet are a-l-w-a-y-s hot, so I have started wearing these thong sandals. They are really comfortable because of those cushioned circle designs.

I got these from the same store in Lajpat Nagar Market - Stelatoes - for around Rs.795. The same time I got the grey pair shown here. If I remember correctly, they were available in other colors as well.


How To Make BIG Shoes FIT!

Hello! =)

Just thought I'd quickly share this post here, since I know some of you also go through this problem.

To read full post, please head over to my Shoe Blog: CZloves HERE


OOTD: 21 Weeks Pregnant + Baby Gender Predictions

Firstly, this is an old dress that I don't like and never wear. It's made of those thin t-shirt fabrics that reveal what type of chaddi (underwear) you're wearing. Why did I buy it then? Well, it was on sale at this store in Kuala Lumpur called Nichii. I think 50-70% off, so we don't think twice in those situations - no, we don't. I wore it here coz it's clingy enough to show the bump properly, but it's not too tight & suffocating like my bodycon dresses.
And before people get started on the high heels, *rolls eyes*, I don't walk in them. They're just for pictures. Actually, heels that aren't too high are said to be better for your back and spine. I myself feel more comfy in kitten heels than ballet flats. Of course when your tummy gets bigger, heels may not be able to keep your body in balance. That's just common sense.
So on to baby gender talk! I'm no Ross Gellar, I would definitely want to know the gender of my baby beforehand. I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago, and it took all my willpower to not ask the Radiologist (You can't ask, you'd have signed a legal document beforehand). Tell me, tell me, woman! I gots to know! Ooh....look, I'll give you this lipstick!
*For Non-Indian readers: Pre-natal sex determination is illegal in India, because.....oh, you can google the details. I don't want to talk about backward people.
 Below are some of the Old Wives' Tales on how to tell if you're carrying a Boy or a Girl. Some I've heard of before, some that I dug up online:


My 10 Summer Must-Haves

We've started turning on the air conditioners, which means summer is officially here. I used to complain about Delhi summers, until I lived in the UK. There, I would look at the gloomy weather, frequently accompanied by rain, and I'd think to myself 'I'll take the scorching heat, but with bright & cheery skies, in Delhi over this any day.'  I find gloomy weather very depressing! Once, in Newcastle, Mr.CZ called me up, and he told me that our one & only umbrella was attacked by the wind and it had turned inside-out. It wouldn't go back to it's normal shape, no matter how much he tried to fix it, so he threw it on the side of the road and walked back in the rain! =D

Like most of you ladies reading this, I have an endless list of summer must-haves, so I  picked just a few colorful pieces today:


Outfit ~ Red Lace Dress

Something happened today:
So I was alone in the bathroom brushing my teeth at around 7:30 in the evening. The water was running, I rinsed.....and just when I was turning off the tap.....I hear a a baby talking...."Uhh....." You know, like baby gibberish. I shut the tap off, and looked around the bathroom. Silence. Eerie silence. I tried hard not to feel panicky, coz I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I rushed out & called out to husband, who was in the living room.

{Story to be continued at the end of this post.}

If you're familiar with the brand Three Floor, you may have seen a dress exactly like this. But this costs much less. I just love the design & the fit. I didn't know this when I picked it, but there's actually a nude-colored lining under the lace parts - except the sleeves.


CUTE Yellow + Blue Spring Shoes ~ Haul

Two things I was/am craving lately - Colorful shoes & hometown food. Hometown food will have to wait, but shoes I managed to find today - in small sizes, let's not forget. I was day dreaming pastels, but I could only find brighter ones this time. Both bow-tified, so I was sold and they just had to have the size.


Love To Lounge House Shoes

Since I'm living out of a suitcase, and all my high heels are still packed in a luggage, I decided to feature my leopard print (Or is it cheetah print? I always get confused between the two!) lounge ballet shoes adorned with grosgrain bows & 'jewels'. I ADORE them so much that I'm afraid they'll get dirty if I wear them too much. Therefore, I will wear them only when I know the house has been vacuumed and mopped properly =D


Welcome To My SHOE BLOG!

Hi, Hello! First of all, I'm sowwiee for disappearing for a week. Lost my energy after travelling back from Scotland to New Delhi, and I caught a throat/sinus prob, that was accompanied by a condition called "Phantosmia" (I found out the term when I turned to Dear Google one sleepless night = relieved that I'm not crazy.) It basically means I was smelling things that aren't there! I smelled - wait for it - gasoline, paint (hate both!) I'd lie in bed under the quilt and both scents would hit my nose simultaneously. Top note: wet paint, Base Note: gasoline. I suspected the oil radiator and got it taken out of our room...then I suspected the bed covers/detergent, my hands, my hair, Mr.CZ....haha! This phantom smell actually made my eyes water a couple times. It was milder last night, so let's see if it needs a special checkup. Anyone ever experienced this weird condition?
Anyways, enough about that! Our NEW BLOG is finally up! And SHOES it is! Good guessing to some of you ;) I meant to launch it last week from Edinburgh- but got busy and exhausted. Then last night - but for the very first time in 4 years of blogging, my layout messed up and froze! I had to change the whole template that I'd spent days to customize. There's a reason for everything, right?
I thought of one reason. I think I was meant to happen today, the 22nd January. My birth date is 22nd, so obviously it's my favorite number.
 2 + 2 = 4
I started this blog on 13th August, 2009.
1 + 3 = 4
Okay, I'll stop now. Please don't go away! Back to welcome speech....
Welcome to my NEW blog! I've been thinking about this for about 2 years now, and it's finally up- My 2nd blog! Didn't I tell you I want 2 of everything? ;)

Blog Name: CZloves (pronounced: Cee-Zee Loves) ~ Shoes & Life Of A Beauty Blogger.

Website: (Please don't forget the - hyphen after cz! Turned out plain czloves was already taken by some Chinese website =\)

What you'll see on CZloves: Aside from Shoes, I will be posting about Life stuff. That means random photos, food/cooking, decor, shopping, crafts, even makeup and beauty (because I can't help it!), etc, etc. I want to keep it light and spontaneous, so I'll focus more on pictures, like photo blogging. Let's see what else could happen! =D

Indian Vanity Case & CZloves will co-exist, like sisters with different personalities- different content & pictures. IVC will still be my first priority and it will continue like before, but I'm gonna give my best to CZloves as well. If you come here, and there's no new post, you can just click on the My Shoe Blog tab up near the header (maybe I've yet to add it), and you'll probably see a new update there! 
Please click HERE to see my 1st shoe post  + I've put a couple mini posts #justlikethat 

I hope you'll leave a comment letting me know what you think and follow if you want to stay updated! =) 

P.S:  The design and layout still needs a lot of work, so please ignore if anything looks off. A lot is.  Right now, I've just done the most difficult thing - START! 


Beauty Addict And Her Stash To Pack | OOTD

Leaving UK in less than 2 weeks now, so that means these are crazy packing times! Last night, I was home alone. Mr.CZ had gone to Newcastle and he'll be back till later this evening. I layed almost all my makeup and beauty products on the bed in our guest bedroom. This bed just has a sheet, and we didn't get any pillows and whatnot for it because, you know, no point. These are most of my beauty products (save for some skin & hair products I keep in the bathrooms) that I'm packing to take to India.
I decided to throw myself into the MESS, because it's always been my dream to sleep on/next to a pile of makeup products..hehe. Btw, I kept my left knee bent in most pics, coz I was trying to hide a a big (healing) bruise. I fell down on the bridge a couple weeks ago. Always been a quiet bridge, but that day, a couple was walking towards us, and they saw me fall. Because that's how life is - you never fall without an audience.


Christmas Day Makeup, Hair, Outfit

Merry Christmas, Everyone! Hope you are having a lovely day with all your loved ones. We are here in Glasgow, loving the city but hating the weather. Rain on top of freezing cold! Went out today, but almost everything was closed. After walking a bit, we found a Chinese Buffet Restaurant, and we had lunch there. Nothing special for dinner. Hotel life....missing home, actually.
I managed to click some awkward mirror pics while I was getting ready (and while Mr. CZ was taking a catnap.) 
Before hair & rest of makeup. Crazy Eyes =D
 Curled hair with Babyliss Volume Waves Curling Tong. I curled it inwards holding the tong horizontally. Can you believe I forgot to pack my comb/hairbrush? And I forgot to buy one yesterday, so I'm living without any atm.