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Showing posts with label Baby CZ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby CZ. Show all posts


Favourite Baby Beauty Products 2019

Ziizayne is turning 5 years old in less than 10 days, and I'm quite surprised that I have never done a baby beauty post!

There isn't a lot of baby bath/beauty brands here in India, so I seem to rotate among only a few brands. Also, I'm staying away from skincare products that have Parabens.

This year, these baby bath & beauty products are my favourites.....


Cute Toddler Things

The first time Ziizayne asked me to buy this panda set at a store, I told him they're all broken & I'd search online instead. To him, this "ONLINE" is a magical place.
To me, it's where the discounts are (read: Firstcry)

Skip Hop Panda Plate, Bowl, Spoon & Fork Set 
(Don't you just LOVE Skip Hop stuff? So many animals to choose from!)

Mothercare Car Embossed Sweater

Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary Volkswagen Beetle Checkmate Pawn.

If you're interested in the sweet props ~ Alpenliebe Strawberry & Soulfull Multigrain Loopies... and another Hot Wheels car just like that 😋

Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary Volkswagen Beetle Checkmate Pawn

Bought this for myself, because he didn't want to buy it (twice!) But now he wants it.
I gave it to him - in exchange for a Hot Wheels Minion Car ;p

Happy Weekend, Everyone!

*This is a scheduled post, as I'm travelling today. 
Speak again on Monday.*


When September Ends.....

So I was listening to Radio One (94.3 FM) in the car one evening,
Male RJ.
Topic: Contest-type. Listeners (People?) had to call and say....

"Whenever I see you, I just want to pick my nose."

'Pick My Nose'! I swear I'm not making this up!
They had to say it in the most seductive way.
They had to make it sound sexy.
Oh, and the winner was gonna win some prize I can't remember.
Movie tickets? Restaurant meal?
Okay, I really can't recall!
Must have been a very unappealing prize. 
The callers really really.....tried their best.
I got to listen to about 3 callers.
 The RJ listened - I wondered if he was trying hard not to LOL - and politely gave each of them a pat on their backs for trying their (*cough* orno) best.
"That's really good."
"Oh, wow!"
And then the one memorable tickler.....

Woman: "Whenever I see you *moans*.... I just....mmm....*groans* want to....mmmmm.....pick my nose...... rawwwrrr!"
(In my head: This woman is standing in her kitchen, in black yoga pants, cup of tea in hand, looking out the window, waiting for the vegetable wala to deliver the fresh gobhi/cauliflower. Kids will be back from tuition in 20, and hubby in 60.)

RJ: "That was very good. I'm really turned on right now." 
(In my head: He's bored, thinking about Jack Daniel's.... and before he could stop himself, puts his index finger up one nostril.)

I'm sorry to say that we'll never know what happened next, because I had to get out of the car.

That's life.  
Short Journeys = Interesting/Funny radio programs, New Releases, Top-something/HIT songs.
Long Journeys = MmmBop, Ads, Queen, Ads, Chefs, Education, Kejriwal.


Speaking of nose-related things, whenever I wear sunglasses, my eyes always notice my nose first. Especially in photos. I don't know, even my nostrils seem bigger than usual.

Which means: Sunnies can hide careless in-a-rush eye makeup application, but not a dirty nose. Don't make 'em want to pick your nose! =D

Okay, now I'll stop saying "NOSE" now.

This is an end-of-summer look that I meant to post, like, a week ago......

Sunglasses: Forever 21

Lipstick: I was obsessed with orange-y lippies for a while. Here, I'm wearing Colorbar Definer Lip Liner in Peach Cocktail....


Baby Bather I LOVE!

Hey, Everyone! Hope you're all doing well =)

Since I got several requests from new Mommies to make posts on baby stuff, I decided to post some on this blog.

The first product I'd like to RAVE about is this bathing chair. Really, I don't know what I'd do without it!

The one thing I was very very nervous about was bathing my baby (whose name is Ziizayne, if you missed reading my post on IVC here), especially in a tub or sink - like some people do. Plus, I think they're too hard for babies. Because of this chair, I could bathe him without any help after the 1st month.

The fabric is net, so you can even place the chair in a tub. It can be adjusted into 2 seating positions - higher & lower.

Just to be extra cautious, I place a rubber bathroom mat under it, to prevent it from slipping.

Thoughtful Mr.CZ bought it the day after Ziizayne was born from a kids store called Dezine Kids

Name: Mastela Mother's Touch Baby Bather.

Price:  It was for only Rs.600 from the store. But it costs more online.

In case you're interested, I see it's sold on Amazon & there are other designs too here

I think the other Deluxe styles with a pillow (or head cushion?) is even better.....
Actually, I might get this too! It looks more comfy =)

What do you other Mommies use to bathe your little ones?

Thank You for reading, all! <3

Until next time....


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Hey,Everyone! Just wanted to wish you all a Merry MERRY Christmas! Hope you had a lovely & blessed day with your loved ones. Sharing a few family pics we clicked today. Most of them came out a lil' blurry, coz it was a quick photo session after a long day of lunch & fun with the family.
Bubbles was very sleepy here, so he wasn't in the mood to smile (he looks depressed actually.... haha!) He smiles & tries to talk now! =D


MAC Lady Danger Lipstick ~ LOTD, Swatches

Hello, Everyone! How have you all been? It seems like I haven't done a post like this in sooo long! This is my first LOTD after childbirth and, as you can see, the little one woke up from his afternoon nap. He was actually fussing there. Face/Neck scratching & hair pulling.....Ahh, where are those mittens?!!! And I had to wipe off that lipstick fast fast, because......
MAC Lady Danger Lipstick (Matte) ~ Described as Vivid bright coral-red. I got MAC Lady Danger mainly because I wanted an orange version of MAC Ruby Woo, my most favorite red lipstick EVER, and the vivid coral is punctuated by just the right amount of red to make it exactly what I had in mind. Well, almost exactly what I had in mind.....


Shoes Of The Day

How CUTE are these??!!!

Although I'm not a sporty-shoes-converse-sneakers kinda gal, I just LOVE them on kids (...and men, for that matter!)

I'm waiting for a pair of denim dungarees to arrive so I can dress up my baby.

Can't wait! =)

Sorry I haven't posted here for a long time. Life's been super busy that I feel I'm living on another planet!

Thank You for reading & I'll talk to you again very soon! =)


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Maxi Dress Outfit & Maternity Shoot ~ For Bubbles....

Bubbles, you're so heavy!
It makes me want to bend on all fours to get you off my spine....
Like a cat - MEOW!
Okay, we should do a "Maternity Shoot"
I dress up and pose and show off how big we've gotten,
You try not to headbutt my bladder like you want to evict it.
Most people seem to go to serene forest-type places....
with trees and daisies and magical-looking sun rays 
that kiss their flower headbands delicately.
And they hire pro photographers.
No, we aren't 'most people'.
No, we are not going to a forest.
You & I will do low-budget DIY shoot.
But, on the bright side.....
We'll get to wear high heels.....


Matching! :)

Happy Sunday, Everyone! Just a little post before I go on to do my Sunday chores, and catch up with the new season of Grey's Anatomy.


Confessions Of A 1st Time Mommy-To-Be | Q&A

Me: Are you a Girl?
Baby CZ: KICK!
Me: Really?!
Baby CZ: KICK!
Me: Are you a Boy?
Baby CZ: *Silence*
Me: Are you a Boy???
Baby CZ: *Silence*
Me: Okay....Uhm....Is Justin Bieber your father?
Baby CZ: KICK!



Baby CZ's 1st Fashion Haul

Hello, Everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. So yesterday, I washed all these brand new & pristine baby clothes. But I decided to click pics before I popped them in the washer.
I got all of these from Mothercare last month when they had a sale going on, so most of them were 30-50% off. We don't know the sex of Baby CZ yet, so we had to pick only gender neutral colors and prints. It wasn't easy, coz there weren't many choices. Girl Babies are spoiled for choice, I must say! =)
These are a set of 8 pieces.

Set of 3 bodysuits. 
White mittens came in a separate pack.

This blanket is also available in Pink & Blue. I almost bought the pink one for myself years ago when we were buying stuff for my S-I-L's newborn. Just because I liked it so much ;p

I emptied a section of my closet for baby clothes. So nice I am ;p =D

I couldn't help it! =D

Hope you liked the haul. I've still got a lot to learn. 

It'll be more easier & fun once I know exactly what to look for and what to stay away from.

Have a good week all!

Thank You for reading, talk again soon.


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What I Wore, Etc

Hi, Everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. Thought I'd quickly post some pics from the mini holiday a.k.a. 'Babymoon'. I didn't pack much, so I stuck to 1 bag & 1 pair of shoes.

I'm loving both these dresses, coz I don't look too pregnant in them. But, either way,  my bump doesn't show much in pics, for some reason. I think Baby CZ is camera shy, coz it hid its face even during my last ultrasound =D
Outfit #1:
Zara Dress With Slit Shoulders | Lino Perros Bag | My favorite pregnancy flat shoes (shown here)

Outfit #2:
Vero Moda Ruffle Dress | Same Lino Perros Bag | Same Shoes

L'Opera, Select City Walk

Breakfast desserts

 Ramen Noodles at Yo! China Cafe, DLF Place. They tasted H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E! >.< (I don't know, I never like Yo! China food.)

Virgin Mary at Geoffrey's, Select City Walk. Love this pub! Drinks & food - both good.

Thank You for reading & I'll see you again soon.

Have a great week! =)


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Babymoon OOTD | Makeup I Packed

What's a Babymoon? A vacation you take before the baby comes. It's supposed to be like a Honeymoon. Most people head abroad, but we stayed in the city, because I can't handle long journeys - even when I wasn't pregnant. I need to take a tablet to prevent air/motion sickness every time I travel far.
We went to stay in Delhi at Svelte Personal Suites Hotel. The one on top of Select City Walk Mall. Just for 3 days. 3 days of only eating & shopping! It was fun to be a tourist (well, sort of) in your own city. We discovered good shops & restaurants that we probably wouldn't have otherwise. This was what I wore on the last day. It's my favorite dress.....
The hotel has a terrace pool. As you can see, it was very windy. Control the flying dress or flying hair?


OOTD: 21 Weeks Pregnant + Baby Gender Predictions

Firstly, this is an old dress that I don't like and never wear. It's made of those thin t-shirt fabrics that reveal what type of chaddi (underwear) you're wearing. Why did I buy it then? Well, it was on sale at this store in Kuala Lumpur called Nichii. I think 50-70% off, so we don't think twice in those situations - no, we don't. I wore it here coz it's clingy enough to show the bump properly, but it's not too tight & suffocating like my bodycon dresses.
And before people get started on the high heels, *rolls eyes*, I don't walk in them. They're just for pictures. Actually, heels that aren't too high are said to be better for your back and spine. I myself feel more comfy in kitten heels than ballet flats. Of course when your tummy gets bigger, heels may not be able to keep your body in balance. That's just common sense.
So on to baby gender talk! I'm no Ross Gellar, I would definitely want to know the gender of my baby beforehand. I had an ultrasound a couple of weeks ago, and it took all my willpower to not ask the Radiologist (You can't ask, you'd have signed a legal document beforehand). Tell me, tell me, woman! I gots to know! Ooh....look, I'll give you this lipstick!
*For Non-Indian readers: Pre-natal sex determination is illegal in India, because.....oh, you can google the details. I don't want to talk about backward people.
 Below are some of the Old Wives' Tales on how to tell if you're carrying a Boy or a Girl. Some I've heard of before, some that I dug up online:


OOTD & Baby CZ Sonogram Pics

QUICK! Think of a number from 10 to 19.

Don't scroll down until you've thought of the number first!

We'll call it "Intuition Test"

Number in mind? Okay, now you can continue reading....

I had not seen this Mango dress for a long time, coz I'd left it in India when we moved to UK. You must have seen it on IVC (here). So I felt like wearing it for the 2nd time. I know, we need pastel yellow shoes too =D

And here are some sonogram pics of Baby CZ.....

First pic ~ Very first sonogram, when it looked like a diamond ring. Posted here
Second & Third pic ~ From Down's Syndrome Test. Everything was fine. That's it's hand, not a snorkel.
Last pic ~ Baby CZ waving. I know it's a graphic photo, but it was cute when it happened =)

It may look big, but it's only about 7cm.

Okay, hope you have a number in mind.

The due date is......

13th October!

After the first ultrasound, they put 8th October as the due date, but of course they said it'll be confirmed only after the 2nd ultrasound.

So, tell me, what number did you think of??? =)

Thank You for reading & will see you again soon!

Have a wonderful Easter tomorrow.


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