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Super/Sunblock MOM

I'm not quite a SuperMom, I'm more of a SunblockMom 😂

All I'm concerned about is applying sunblock on my child. We have a sunblock routine before he goes to school, etc - face, arms, legs.

I've been trying to find the perfect sunblock for him - one that protects & also prevents tanning, because he tans very easily. 
When we'd gone to Shillong (scorching hill station sun) one time, he'd come back looking roasted.

We've gone through tubes and tubes from most brands, but none of them have been 10/10. I've recently bought a new one. I'll come back with a post on that.


SHOPAHOLIC Diary: Electronics

I don't know why I'm doing this post, really. I just uploaded these pics straight from my phone.

Last week I decided to enter an electronics store to check if they had....umm.... a particular tool, which I got and it's fantastic. I'm not gonna tell you what. 

Then I started to wander.....

Usha Janome Marvela Pink Sewing Machine Pink

I was gonna buy this without any hesitation....OMG. Thankfully, only this display piece was available & we never!
It would've been a reckless purchase, but I do need a sewing machine. Have been on my wishlist for ages.
I'm going to stitch a really pretty patchwork duvet cover, alter my jeans, ruffle my cushions. Yes, I am.

If anyone is thinking about buying me a birthday present - hello, please 👆



How Many Childhoods Were Ruined.....


A FATHER - who left a scar that'll never fade.

A HUSBAND - who mistreats, beats and cheats.

An UNCLE - who whispered 'our little secret'  that's really only his.

A Sir - with bribing candies, grades and praises.

A Priest - with ungodly worship and rituals.

Ask your children questions.

Tell them what's not right.

Protect them from trauma they'll never recover from.

Do what needs to be done: without hesitation, fear, shame.....and heart.


(Some Men. Not intended to be s*xist.)


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Hello Kitty Earphones ~ The Obsession Continues

I'm in my 40s now, and I'm still obsessed with Sanrio Hello Kitty stuff (oh lord, so much stuff out there!)
I don't care what anybody thinks.
The love you once had for something just doesn't go away, okay.

I saw these earphones and I couldn't pick just one! I couldn't!

So I was gifted all three.

My Melody


Hello Kitty