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Makeup Haul: Smashbox, Lakmé, Maybelline

You know that feeling when you buy a new shampoo & matching conditioner, and you just can't wait to try them out? You even oil your hair prior to washing, in the hope that the possible hair transformation will be.....mind-blowing! You start out with the doesn't think: 'Oh, it's because of the oil.', so you squeeze out some more shampoo....and work it into your hair - more vigorously this time....still doesn't lather.... then you instinctively look at the bottle... it's conditioner! You'd mistakenly bought 2 conditioners! 
Yes, people. Thankfully, the other conditioner is a 75 ml one. I thought I bought a big shampoo and a small conditioner. Okay, enough about that. I'm over it. Or I'm just distracted with other things......


Shoe Pom Poms

Question: Have you ever hidden a clothing item (etc) when you're not sure whether you want to buy it or not, because you think you'll leave the store and go around the mall, and if in case you want it later, you'd just come back for it and it wouldn't be sold out (esp if it's the last piece/size)? You tuck it between a pile of jeans (I did this with a pair of shorts at Zara once), or you simply hide it in another corner rack? So nobody sees it!

Okay, either you do it too, or I taught you a new...umm....trick.


LOTD | Quotes That Changed My Life & Perspective

Hello, I'm Cynthia.
 .....and I'm a Quotes Addict

Seriously, if I ever come out with a book someday, that is how I did it. Because, you know.... 
"You become what you do everyday." 

And this is partly what I meant by Rabbit Hole in this post.

Words really are powerful. They can change how you live your life & make you 
see things in a different light.

That's why I wanted to share my favorites in a blog post. 
Well, they're really just a few of my favorites!

*Please note: I don't know or remember the source of most of them.


Look for the answer within your question. ~ Rumi

If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave. ~ Mo Willems.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape & pointy horns. 
He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

When you say "Yes" to others make sure you are not saying "No" to yourself.

Know your worth, then add tax.

They start to miss you when they fail to replace you.

When someone says "You've changed", it simply means you've stopped living your life their way.

Before taking down a wall, remember why you put it there in the first place.

Beware of Destination Addiction — a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is 
somewhere else, it will never be where you are.


Making a big life change is pretty scary. But you know what's even scarier? Regret.

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. ~ Milton Berle.

Something I learned about people....If they do it once, they'll do it again.

Sometimes God doesn't change your situation, because he is trying to change your heart.

Know the difference between those who stay to feed the soil. And those who come to grab the fruit.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. ~ Dalai Lama

I'm on the hunt for who I've not yet become.

You only lose what you cling to.

Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it.

Don't be part of the gossip. Be the gossip.



It's Skin ~ Now In India

Remember when the brand Lush pulled out of India? Honestly, I'd never been that big a fan of the brand, but a whole lot of bath bomb addicts were crushed!

The other brand that has become elusive in India is Bourjois. I just don't know where it went! And you guys know it's my favorite! 

So now, I've taken it upon myself to support all the new brands that are testing the waters here in India. Especially Asian/Korean brands that I'm all about lately (skincare), in the hope that many others will see we are very happening & India is the place to be =D

Etude House, Missha, Laneige, Tony Moly...  Are you listening??!!

Back in May, when I'd dropped by New U to get a new tube of mascara, I saw a new counter- It's Skin. I got acquainted with this brand on Ebay when I was browsing Korean skincare stuff, and I only bought an eyebrow gel mascara before. That day I went crazy! I couldn't even. 
14 types of serums to pick from, for starters.

So  here are all the products I've got and been using so far....


My 2 AM Thoughts | Nightwear OOTD

This blog post was inspired by a very touching email I got from a reader recently. It's a story about her life that she shared with me. I thought it was one of the sweetest things, for someone to tell somebody they'd never met something personal & heartbreaking. She also requested me to blog more regularly again, because it's what she looks forward to, and she added that she finds me relatable. That alone made me want to just come here and post something! I wanna take this moment to apologize to everyone who feels the same way, I know I've been leaving you hanging....and maybe a lil' confused. 

I also wanna say to every one else who's going through a hard time, and you find yourself on a broken road, please know that you're not alone. I've been there, and so have a lot of the people I've met over the past few months. Everyone is battling something, everyone is masking something too personal or painful to talk about. But in time, it gets better. You'll feel better. And one day, you'll find yourself thinking - "This wouldn't have happened if that hadn't happened to me."  - with gratitude. 

I can't promise you my own story, because I see no logic in talking about things you want to forget or simply move on from, you know. Also, I'm not very good at talking about serious matters on this platform. Even now, I already feel uncomfortable & if it was in real life/in person, I would probably be saying something stupid or quote an overused phrase at this point.

So for now, I hope me making this impromptu personal post EXTRApersonal by posing in my nightwear & bathroom would be like our  little virtual slumber party & help us reconnect again! =D

Take out your pennies for my..... 


2 AM Thoughts......

(Hoping I'll be able to buy something pretty with them when this is over. 
I'm thinking....a perfume, with a bow on it!) 



Product Of The Week ~ Innisfree Apple Seed Cleansing Oil Balm

The answer is YES.

We now a product just like the Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm, which is very pricey! (Rs.2900?)

If you're like me, and always have a hard trying to decide whether to carry a big bottle of Cleansing Oil or not every time you travel (of course you also misplaced so many of those tiny travel-sized bottles that'd come in real handy!), then you need a cleansing oil that comes in a small container! =)

Because its a Korean product, I couldn't find a really good description of it online, so I'll just put the common one I found :

 ~ Steam method moisturizing ingredient opens pores to cleanse impurities inside pores.

~ Helps to have moisturizing cleansing that won’t be dry after cleansing.

~ Washable type that you can cleanse with water.

~ Refreshing apple fragrance.

~ Help to have moisturizing cleansing that won’t be dry after cleansing.

~Washable type that you can cleanse with water.

Basically, once you spread this on your fingers, it melts into oil which thoroughly removes makeup
and then you can rinse it all off with water.


EOTD: Liquid Lipstick Liner

Eyes Of The Day

I've always wanted to wear a coral eyeliner exactly like this shade, but I've never found one.
Thanks to liquid lipsticks, now I don't need to wish for one anymore, and...umm... once wondered if a matte nail polish would work. 

Once! I said once

NEVER put nail polish on your eyelids!


Word-Of-Mouth Skin Secret/Dark Spot Lightener

This convo took place at a funeral, so please read it in a hush hush tone....


I know it's not a groundbreaking tip, and I myself have used it plenty before, but after hearing that it actually improved something, I'm looking at it with googly eyes now. I have more faith in it. 

That's what we want, isn't it? Confirmation that something will work before we commit to it? =)


"Do You Love Me So Much Too?"

Something NEW....
from the heart.


Lots more to come. 
I started with something light ;)

Happy Weekend!

P.S. If you could give a title to my book of 'short' stories, what would it be?
I already had one, but I couldn't use it with this story.


Beauty HAUL | MAY

Hi, Everyone! =)

May is here, and so is I.

 I know, you all must be thinking wth, but I've been quite active on Instagram & Facebook. However, I am working on being more active here as well, because I do miss talking to you guys, and there are stuff I wanna talk about. You know, like what I really want for my birthday and stuff like that ;)

So, let's kick off my birthday month with a haul *claps* 
Honestly, I haven't been buying much beauty products for months, so this collective haul was like a treat, especially when an Emoji is involved :)


No Sebum Mineral Powder (Rs.570): Innisfree x Emoji Collection. A transparent powder oil control powder, which you can use on your oily scalp as well I was told.


Gillette Venus Breeze ~ Unboxing Video & Review

Hey Everyone! =)

Remember in How I Met Your Mother when Robin was on a date that's going well & she desperately needed to shave her legs in the restaurant restroom, and she applied butter all over her legs? (Yes, that made me cringe!) Well, she wouldn't have had to go to such lengths if she had this new razor in town -  Gillette Venus Breeze!

Below is a video of me unboxing the pretty box and showing everything that came in it....

Click Play:

A post shared by Cynthia Zacharica (@czloves) on


~ Moisture Gel Bars: Formulated with body butters (Olive, Avocado, Kokum) and glycerine to help retain skin moisture.

~ Sensorial Experience: Scented with Freesia, a tropical fragrance to give you an enhanced experience.

~ Three Blades: Designed with 3 blades to give you an ultra-close and revealing smooth shave

How To Use:

Simply wet the razor and your skin for a light lather, and start shaving.

What I Think:

~ First things first, the gel bars smell amazing! They're actually more slimy than lathery, which makes the skin more slippery, so the razor glides on smoothly and effortlessly even on tricky areas.

~ I don't use any body lotion right after shaving, and that usually makes my skin feel dry afterwards, but with this, my skin feels normal and smooth the whole day.

~ It's travel-friendly. Yes, you can carry it in your handbag - just in case!

~ The razor itself is very well-designed and sturdy....and pretty.  

~ I love it! If I have to have a holy grail razor, or if I have to recommend one razor to anyone, this would be it!


Razor - Rs.299
Extra Cartridges (pack of 2 razor blades) - Rs.350

Have a great weekend......

Thanks for reading & speak again soon!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions on the products are my own, as always.