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Tough Like Leather ~ Delicate Like Lace

{ 20.05.2017 }

As the plane wobbled like it's flirting with a free fall, and the fluffy cotton out the window turned to masses of ash,
Mom's voice echoed in my head: 
"But that's what they say. People often die close to their birthdays."
she'd tell me like it's an urban myth proven true after one too many obituaries.

This must be it. I'm gonna die today.
Haven't I always thought this is one way I'd go?
Okay, maybe that has a lot to do with LOST.

"Please remain seated, and keep your seat belts...."

I was staring at my palm.
"You won't live a very long life. 30-35, maybe. See?"
an amateur palmist had pointed to my life line that's about an inch point something too short - according to her book.

A few successively jerks, and the eerie sound of metal creaking underneath made me grab both armrests.

I feel cold! I need a blanket!
Coffee. No, tea! No, coffee!
I need a hand to hold!
This. This is why you shouldn't fly solo!
Why is everyone so quiet??!!
It's okay.
Lean back. Close eyes. 

~ Little hands, cupping my face. ~
~ An old over-read text message. ~
~ Watching my Grandfather write letters  at 5 am. ~
~  A stranger walking towards me. ~
~  Meredith Grey shouting, "But what about HER?! " ~
~ A relieved face over my coffin. ~

Just when my emotions started queuing behind my eyes.....

..... the sunlight hit my face.



Bye Bye Summer! {OOTD}

Fun Fact 1: 
This is my most favorite dressy outfit of Summer 2017. The coral top, especially. I'd buy every one shoulder flounce top if I could.

Fun Fact 2: 
I never wore it, because I was saving it for a special occasion. You know how you put together a brand new outfit for something? You think: I'll wear this top. But with what kind of bottoms?Umm, black skirt/shorts? No, it has to be a fun florally something, not black & flat. Hey! Definitely not that black crow-type skirt you're thinking about right now! Okay, one of 4 brands I'm so loyal to will have something.
(Btw, said occasion NEVER happened. I don't wanna talk about it! =\)

Horrifying Fact: 
The little heart bracelet I'm wearing here I almost threw out with a shopping bag, along with a pack of H&M rose gold hair clips. I'd completely forgotten about them! I also have no memory of me buying them : | ... I'm going to check exactly when I bought them, so I know what state of mind I was in at the time. But I assure you, I've never shopped when I'm drunk! ;p


When My Son Turned 3....

He sometimes likes to hold my foot when I'm feeding him. He'd be sitting on his highchair, and then he'd suddenly point to the floor asking me to do something, then I'd realize he's asking me to lift my right foot on to his chair so he can hold & pet it - like a cat.

He calls our helper Naseeba, "Maaseeya"

He calls Banana, "Bananana"

He calls Ants, "Mosquitoes"

He thinks the Eiffel Tower is a Giraffe.

He calls out, "Mommy! Mommy! Kissee, Kissee! Come, Huggiee!" , and stretches out his arms.
I'd rush to his side filled with affection for him & when I get there, he'd tell me to change his  Youtube video!

He says one of his white cars is a "1997 Truck". I have no idea if it's a fact or he made it up.


That's Ziizayne, my baby, who turned 3 on 14th October. 
(I know, I'm 2 days late with this post!)


Lakmé x Masaba Lip Pout Matte Photos & Swatches

Hey, everyone! Just posting these swatches quickly.

About: Curated by the very talented designer - Masaba, each lip crayon has a quirky print exclusively designed by her, that spells 90’s nostalgia. This is a limited edition collection of matte lip colors from the Lip Pout range that you cannot resist! It’s time to have some fun and indulge in these 10 vibrant shades inspired by the candies of the 90’s.

There are 10 shades available, and I picked 3:


Gothic Glam Manicure

Nice Girl: "Wow, I love your nails! Where'd you get them done?"

Me: "Really?! I did them myself."

Nice Girl: "Cool! I could never do nail art on my own nails."

Me: "Me neither! This is not really nail art. It's just glitter."

Nice Girl: "Really?! It looks like crystals have been carefully placed, 
and the black tips look like leather!"


That convo made me look at my Lazy Girl Manicure differently, give it a name & a blog post.....


NEW! Maybelline Color Jolt, L'Oreal Lip/Blush Paints, ETC


"How many shades? How much?"

"No, no. No lacquer. No glossy. ONLY MATTE!"

"You have a chair? I have to sit down."

"Please give me cotton."
 (there's no space left on my hands to swatch.)

"Ooh, what's this?! Is it new? Why didn't you show it to me?"

"Oh Lord, have mercy!"


That's me at Lifestyle... or any makeup store for that matter! ;p

I swear the word "Matte" makes me go.... MAD!

Combine that with "Paint", and I'll end up looking stunned at the 
cash counter when the guy says the total amount. 


Inexpensive Jewelry Haul

So I see my last Jewelry Haul post is from August 2014 (Post here)!
I'd stopped buying jewelry, except for a few stud sets & hoops from H&M every once in a while. 
And now, I'm kinda obsessed with big statement earrings. I want to wear a nath (big nose ring) too!

Btw, this is a collective haul. I bought these in a span of 4-5 months, not all at once.


Not Giving A F**k!

A f*cking disclaimer:This is a book about not giving a f*ck. In order to practically quantify my methods, I've confessed to banishing many objects, concepts, events, activities, and people from my life. You may not agree with all of my choices. Fair. You may even think you recognize yourself in these pages - particularly if you're a parent of small children, a karaoke enthusiast, a friend, family member, or former colleague of mine. If so, you're either correct, or delusional. In any case, if you're offended by anything I've written, then you really need this book. Proceed immediately to page 25: "You Need to Stop Giving a F*ck About What Other People Think."
I knew I was gonna really enjoy reading this book when I laughed out loud at the first 3 words. I'm reading it on my Kindle app, because Amazon India (fulfilled) doesn't sell the print version. But I will surely get the paperback, because I want it on my bookshelf! 

So in the introduction, the author talks about the art of mental decluttering by not spending time, energy, and/or money on things that neither make you happy nor improve your life using one method....
The NotSorry Method:

 Step 1: Deciding what you don't give a f*ck about

Step 2: Not giving a f*ck about those things.



Makeup Haul: Smashbox, Lakmé, Maybelline

You know that feeling when you buy a new shampoo & matching conditioner, and you just can't wait to try them out? You even oil your hair prior to washing, in the hope that the possible hair transformation will be.....mind-blowing! You start out with the doesn't think: 'Oh, it's because of the oil.', so you squeeze out some more shampoo....and work it into your hair - more vigorously this time....still doesn't lather.... then you instinctively look at the bottle... it's conditioner! You'd mistakenly bought 2 conditioners! 
Yes, people. Thankfully, the other conditioner is a 75 ml one. I thought I bought a big shampoo and a small conditioner. Okay, enough about that. I'm over it. Or I'm just distracted with other things......


Shoe Pom Poms

Question: Have you ever hidden a clothing item (etc) when you're not sure whether you want to buy it or not, because you think you'll leave the store and go around the mall, and if in case you want it later, you'd just come back for it and it wouldn't be sold out (esp if it's the last piece/size)? You tuck it between a pile of jeans (I did this with a pair of shorts at Zara once), or you simply hide it in another corner rack? So nobody sees it!

Okay, either you do it too, or I taught you a new...umm....trick.


LOTD | Quotes That Changed My Life & Perspective

Hello, I'm Cynthia.
 .....and I'm a Quotes Addict

Seriously, if I ever come out with a book someday, that is how I did it. Because, you know.... 
"You become what you do everyday." 

And this is partly what I meant by Rabbit Hole in this post.

Words really are powerful. They can change how you live your life & make you 
see things in a different light.

That's why I wanted to share my favorites in a blog post. 
Well, they're really just a few of my favorites!

*Please note: I don't know or remember the source of most of them.


Look for the answer within your question. ~ Rumi

If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave. ~ Mo Willems.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape & pointy horns. 
He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

When you say "Yes" to others make sure you are not saying "No" to yourself.

Know your worth, then add tax.

They start to miss you when they fail to replace you.

When someone says "You've changed", it simply means you've stopped living your life their way.

Before taking down a wall, remember why you put it there in the first place.

Beware of Destination Addiction — a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is 
somewhere else, it will never be where you are.


Making a big life change is pretty scary. But you know what's even scarier? Regret.

If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. ~ Milton Berle.

Something I learned about people....If they do it once, they'll do it again.

Sometimes God doesn't change your situation, because he is trying to change your heart.

Know the difference between those who stay to feed the soil. And those who come to grab the fruit.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. ~ Dalai Lama

I'm on the hunt for who I've not yet become.

You only lose what you cling to.

Fashion is what you buy. Style is what you do with it.

Don't be part of the gossip. Be the gossip.



It's Skin ~ Now In India

Remember when the brand Lush pulled out of India? Honestly, I'd never been that big a fan of the brand, but a whole lot of bath bomb addicts were crushed!

The other brand that has become elusive in India is Bourjois. I just don't know where it went! And you guys know it's my favorite! 

So now, I've taken it upon myself to support all the new brands that are testing the waters here in India. Especially Asian/Korean brands that I'm all about lately (skincare), in the hope that many others will see we are very happening & India is the place to be =D

Etude House, Missha, Laneige, Tony Moly...  Are you listening??!!

Back in May, when I'd dropped by New U to get a new tube of mascara, I saw a new counter- It's Skin. I got acquainted with this brand on Ebay when I was browsing Korean skincare stuff, and I only bought an eyebrow gel mascara before. That day I went crazy! I couldn't even. 
14 types of serums to pick from, for starters.

So  here are all the products I've got and been using so far....