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When September Ends.....

So I was listening to Radio One (94.3 FM) in the car one evening,
Male RJ.
Topic: Contest-type. Listeners (People?) had to call and say....

"Whenever I see you, I just want to pick my nose."

'Pick My Nose'! I swear I'm not making this up!
They had to say it in the most seductive way.
They had to make it sound sexy.
Oh, and the winner was gonna win some prize I can't remember.
Movie tickets? Restaurant meal?
Okay, I really can't recall!
Must have been a very unappealing prize. 
The callers really really.....tried their best.
I got to listen to about 3 callers.
 The RJ listened - I wondered if he was trying hard not to LOL - and politely gave each of them a pat on their backs for trying their (*cough* orno) best.
"That's really good."
"Oh, wow!"
And then the one memorable tickler.....

Woman: "Whenever I see you *moans*.... I just....mmm....*groans* want to....mmmmm.....pick my nose...... rawwwrrr!"
(In my head: This woman is standing in her kitchen, in black yoga pants, cup of tea in hand, looking out the window, waiting for the vegetable wala to deliver the fresh gobhi/cauliflower. Kids will be back from tuition in 20, and hubby in 60.)

RJ: "That was very good. I'm really turned on right now." 
(In my head: He's bored, thinking about Jack Daniel's.... and before he could stop himself, puts his index finger up one nostril.)

I'm sorry to say that we'll never know what happened next, because I had to get out of the car.

That's life.  
Short Journeys = Interesting/Funny radio programs, New Releases, Top-something/HIT songs.
Long Journeys = MmmBop, Ads, Queen, Ads, Chefs, Education, Kejriwal.


Speaking of nose-related things, whenever I wear sunglasses, my eyes always notice my nose first. Especially in photos. I don't know, even my nostrils seem bigger than usual.

Which means: Sunnies can hide careless in-a-rush eye makeup application, but not a dirty nose. Don't make 'em want to pick your nose! =D

Okay, now I'll stop saying "NOSE" now.

This is an end-of-summer look that I meant to post, like, a week ago......

Sunglasses: Forever 21

Lipstick: I was obsessed with orange-y lippies for a while. Here, I'm wearing Colorbar Definer Lip Liner in Peach Cocktail....

 You can check out the 2 other shades Splendid Pink HERE & Berry Rose HERE

Look. That is what I mean!


When September Ends:

~ I gotta finish planning Ziizayne's 1st birthday. Can you believe he'll be ONE already? I'd ordered a lot of decorations from Ebay over a month ago & they still haven't reached me! I know I'll go into Momzilla mode soon!
~  I'M MOVING!!!
Yup, I'll be living some place else from October onwards. A place, hopefully, full of possibilities.......
For good this time =)

More on that later!

Oh, Gosh! I don;t want to think about packing!!! >.<

Okies, bye bye....

Thanks for reading & talk again soon :* :*


  1. Ooh those shades are so cool!! Love your lip colour! :-* :)

  2. u r moving again...if its for good then good for u...packing is such a task...

  3. You should stop saying picking your nose lol. You are so right about the short journeys vs long journeys thing :) Long journeys = ads/static on the fm everytime for me :P
    xx | My Recent Post

  4. I absolutely love you sense of humor. I love this look of yours even more and those sunglass are hawwt :* :)

  5. Those shades are love! <3_<3

    Im following you through GFC.
    Would love to have you follow my blog (:

  6. Such a cool pair of shades! I loved your lip color <3

    A 100% vegan natural lip balm:


I ♥ finding little notes in my Vanity Case, so do drop one. I read all of them & I try my best to reply to each & every one of them [check back in 2-3 days =D] but most times it's physically impossible! Either way, I love to hear from you & really appreciate you taking the time out to share your thoughts <3

Thank you for reading! :)
