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Showing posts with label Primark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Primark. Show all posts


Shoe Shopping Quiz! Which Pair Did I Buy?

One Important TIP before I forget: When you're going shoe shopping in winters, make sure you wear socks & not pantyhose tights/stockings. I had thick tights on under a mini woolen dress, and I had to take them off to try on the shoes. It was awkward, but thankfully there weren't people around to witness me struggle to pull them down without lifting my dress.
So on to some Friday fun! First of all, *jumps and down* Primark Size 3 shoes fit me...well, not all of the size 3's, but these do *jumps higher*
I bought two pairs:
First ~ A black pair in the same design. They're not showing coz they're behind on the other side. 
Second ~ You Guess. It's either Red, Black/ White or Pink/Black. 
Btw, they're for £12 (Rs.980) ONLY! =)
I put this pic up on Instagram (@CZloves) & Twitter, to ask for help while I was in Primark. I just couldn't decide! Seeing what other people would pick really helped, and though I was alone, I felt like I was shopping with friends. Thankooo!
Do comment below with your guess. I'd also love to know which pair YOU would pick for yourself! 
How well do you know your beauty blogger? Don't worry, I won't be upset if you don't get it right. I like all 3 pairs almost equally ;)

Okay, bye bye! I gotta pack & do 20 other things. Talk to again soon....from NEW DELHI! =D


Weekend Arm Candy And Shopping

Shopping ban is over! Hip, Hip, Hooray! You know what, I've had to live without a lot of things and people for months, and going shopping was the one thing that was filling the void. Giving up something like that for over a month was a sensible thing to do.... but never again! Well, at least while I'm away from homeland =)
Items hauled on Saturday:
  • H&M Floral Mini Skirt (vintage looking watercolor print) - from the sale rack for only £5 (Rs.413)
  • H&M girly thingies.
  • Primark Cardigan
  • Primark Peplum Top
  • Primark Bag 
  • Rimmel Products 

Watch ~ Fossil Georgia Glitz Rose Gold Watch. I'm wearing this more than the Fossil Jesse Rose Gold, coz it's less blingy & feels lighter  |  Pearl Bracelet ~ Forever New.


LOTD/OOTD: I Haven't Gone Shopping For 34 Days (and counting)

My shopping ban started last month when I decided to save for MAC Archies Girls Collection. I thought it would launch around Valentine's Day, but no. It did launch only online exclusively at Selfridges, but I want the thrill of buying them in stores. Touch all the products... swatch them.... die a little inside when something nice is too pricey.
Hence, shopping ban stretched further than expected.

Yes, I've bought hair & skin care products, but they don't count coz they're everyday necessities, and I got them at a supermarket with groceries.
I also bought shoes from Ebay. Those don't count either, because....because they don't count!
23rd Feb, Saturday: I planned to go only to Primark & Superdrug - I'll feed the hungry beast some small snacks before the meal, like a pair of earrings & 1 lipstick, I thought. BUT it snowed heavily. Plan cancelled.
24th Feb, Sunday: Fever & tonsils attack. I could hardly move from the couch. That's a message from the angrier beast.
So.... shopping plan moved to 1st March...... until.....
I called MAC store to ask about Archies Girls launch date, and they said 7th March
Now I have to wait till the 7th.
So altogether: No shopping for 42 DAYS! Beast, please! Try to understand!
Feeling Blue? Wear Yellow!
Sweater: Primark  |  Skirt: Nichii (Malaysian brand). It's the same skirt I wore in my birthday outfit post in 2011. I love it so much and have worn it so many times.  |  Inner Collared Black Shirt: Penny Lane  |  Tights: Primark Super Cosy Tights with fleece inside...LOVE! |  Earrings: Aldo Husselbee. Shown here  |  Bow Sunglasses: Ebay. Shown here.  


Something 'Cheeky' For Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day! Even when I was younger & single and didn't have someone to celebrate it with, I didn't hate it. In fact, I'd still plan an outfit for the day, and if I weren't so broke, I would have bought myself a lot of gifts too. For me, and I'm sure for many other people, it means so much more than just a mushy mushy day for lovers. I like that I get to see & indulge in a whole lot of cuteness....PINKS....HEARTS.....STUFFED TOYS.....
I got myself these Primark Love To Lounge Cheeky fleece Pyjamas that are so warm & cosy

Yes, this is a random post about a pair of pyjamas (and socks!), but don't miss my point.
You don't need a lover to spoil & love you on Valentine's Day. Do it yourself! Buy or make yourself something cute & lovable. Get yourself flowers, bake pink cupcakes, go shoe something nice for yourself.
If I were single:
First I'd go shopping....then I'd go for drinks with friends.....then I'd come home.... wear this set of pyjamas.... watch The Devil Wears Prada while eating a heart-shaped pastry that I got while shopping.... and smile at a single pink rose that I got for myself the day before.
Happy Valentine's Week! =) 

♥ Cynthia Z *.*


Tale Of The Fake Fur Coat & Owl Brooch

December, last year. That's when I first laid eyes on - and touched  caressed - it. The ivory fake fur coat at Primark. I didn't remember it had an owl brooch nestling on its fluffy collar. I wanted it, but I expected a price tag that's a lil' more impressive than £25 (Rs.2126), so I never purchased it. It wasn't on sale on Boxing Day either, but I remember looking at it longingly from an ascending escalator that day. Since then, I'd forgotten all about it.
Until last week. 


Fashion Haul (SALE) ~ Primark, Jane Norman, Topshop

I got these clothing items on Boxing Day (26th Dec '12) along with all the jewelry I'd blogged about here. I got them at such amazing prices that I had to share!

Primark Black & White Stripe Skater Dress With Blue Belt, £5 (Rs.430) ~ Ya, the blue belt looks so off, but so overlook-able at that price! The fabric is great quality- thick & warm. The black & white stripes make me think of Carrie Bradshaw's 1st Paris outfit.


Jewelry Haul ~ Accessorize & Primark (Boxing Day Sales)

These are all the jewelry I got on Boxing Day. If you're not familiar with this day, it falls on the 26th of December, and most stores in the UK (and a few other countries) put up major sales for some reason. Don't ask me why it's called 'Boxing Day'. I read about it on Wiki, but I don't remember... maybe I didn't even understand. 
Anyways! I'm very happy with my haul, especially Accessorize because I find it more expensive in the UK & I'd been waiting for the sale for months!
Accessorize Jewelry: All 50% off
  • Carved Rose & Leaf Ring ~  £2 (Rs.177)
  • Gold Earrings ~ £3 (Rs.265)
  • 3 sets of gold hoops ~ £2.50 (Rs.220). 
  • Gold Chain Hair Bando ~  £4 (Rs.354)


New Year's Eve Prep ~ Makeup & Outfit

I have no idea what to wear tonight. I have this H&M lace embroidered skirt, but I don't know what to wear with it. Damn this freezing weather! We are going to a masquerade party, so I feel like dressing up a little bit Moulin Rouge-ish. I'm planning to make a bustier out of a matching bra to wear with the skirt. But it could look really awful, and I'll end up wearing something else. I don't know.
H&M Skirt ~ That's the back, front is plain. I got this on sale for only £7 (Rs.624)


Outfit Of the Day, Mini Haul & Some Very Thoughtful Gifts From The Man

One: Posing in that position (maybe 7 times to get it right) will make your thigh muscles very angry at you. Going down the stairs was a pain even after 2 days! >.<
Two: I ended up sitting in most of the pics because the camera kept cutting my head off.
Three: Please excuse the messy background. We always think about tidying it up, but it's always raining & wet. Sheesh, I didn't even notice that stick branch on the ground until I was editing these pics.


Primark Haul ~ Jewelry, Etc.

I hadn't bought any jewelry since August, and I just couldn't stop thinking about shiny things. One night I actually dreamt that I was wearing some kind of gold crown! So the other day I made it a point to ignore all the makeup shops and focus my attention on one target- jewelry. Ya, I'm thinking about NOT buying any makeup till next year- January. Let's see how that goes =)
I could only do Primark that day, although I was dying to check out H&M and Topshop as well. I hate that all shops close at 6-7 pm here =[
Opia Gold Choker, £2.50 (Rs.217) ~ LOVE! Btw, what do call this type of necklace? I wasn't sure what to name it.


Outfit Of The Day ~ Suspender Tights, Frills & Bows

You'll either love or hate suspender tights. Although I absolutely hate some styles, I bow to the genius who started the trend. I just adore the girly-looking ones, like this pair right here.
I almost froze during this photo shoot. It was so cold & windy that day, I couldn't feel my hands anymore by the time I was done.
*All self-timer photos, so you'll see some odd & blurry shots.


My First Primark Haul ~ Bows, Bows & More!

Primark is one of UK's most popular shopping destinations, and I went c-r-a-z-y! I found the prices very reasonable, and I think you fellow Indians will do too. The designer(s) & I have at least one thing in common - a love for bows. I went oh-my-bows every few minutes!
Let's start with the twosome that made me squeal, literally: 
  • Metal Bow Bag & Skinny Belt ~ £8.00 (Rs.695), £2.00 (Rs.174) Because they belong together! [Matching purse & Berry color also available] *Hey, imagine matching shoes ♥_♥