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MAC Warm & Cozy Collection

To go with the holiday mood, let's take a peek at MAC's Warm & Cozy Collection, to be launched on the 26th of December in US stores. We Indians have to wait till...well, let's just say a long time.

Lipsticks ~ Warm Me Up, Spiced Tea, Siss,  
Lipglass ~ Feeling Dreamy, 2N,, Light That Fire,  3N

Lip Conditioners, 
Nail Lacquers ~ Blissed Out, Dim The Lights

Shadesticks ~ Cuddle, Nurture, Warm $ Cozy, Relaxed

Tinted Lip Conditioners ~ Feelin' Good, Close For Comfort

Eyeshadows ~ Chamomile, Modelette, Mulled Cider, Embark

Mineralize Skinfinish ~ By Candlelight, Comfort

Mineralize All Over Lotion
Care Blends Essential Oils ~ Sweet Orange + Lavender, Grapefruit + Chamomile

♥ Cynthia Z ^_^



  1. I came to know abt this..and already fallen in love with 'Close for confort' lip conditioner.. luv coral shades.. :P

    Wonder when we could reach them.. **sigh**..

  2. Lovely collection <3.
    In Lahore, we hardly get any authentic mac around and if we do collection is so limited. :(

  3. I know...they reach us too late! I also like the tinted lip conditioners..n the shadesticks

  4. @makeuodivaa...v limited in Delhi too :|

  5. Wow, just got carried away by the model pics T.T the shade is nothing but gorgeous!

  6. I love the eyeshadow colors! So pretty!

  7. the shade sticks look so prettY! wonder when we'll be getting them in SG

  8. Just look at this collection :o
    I am always into warm 'safe' colours and this collection is like my dream collection :D
    I usually dont stock up on Mac's Collections but this one will definately be the one I'l hoard on :) Love the eyeshadows and lippies especially ♥

  9. Ooh...nice collection from MAC. But i always think that mineralize blush will look too shiny on oily skin. I never tried mineralize blush. What is your view?

  10. oooh! i always wanted to own mac, still can't afford it :(
    does mac ever have any sales?...or is that a stupid question? lol

  11. Love the shade sticks. A very warm collection, indeed. :)

  12. i want so many things from this collection, aaaaaaahhhhh! hehe


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