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Pretty Japanese Store 'Yokoso Shiyuki' & Essential Tools Haul

Can I have those Japanese umbrellas to go, please? Pretty please? ;)

Yup, that's what I wanted to say before I left this Japanese store called 'Yokoso! Shiyuki' which sells all Japanese-made skincare, makeup, accessories, showpieces and more.

Those umbrellas are decorated on the ceiling. How creative! Don't you wish you had one room in your house done like that?! 

  You can stand under my umbrellas...Ella ella ay ay ay....under my umbrellas... ♪  

The SA's wear kimonos. Authenticity at best.

I didn't want to buy their skincare products coz, you know, I'd never heard of any of them and most didn't have a word of English written on them. I can take chances with makeup but not skincare items...nah-ah. So I stuck to tools, a couple of them things I've wanted to get my hands on for a while now.
Here's what I got:

These are compressed cotton DIY Face Masks. You put them in your choice of skin nourisher- toner, milk, green tea, juice etc. and they'll splay out into a face mask. How cute! I got heart-shaped ones too. Can't wait to try them!

This is a twist and pull springy tweezer to pull out facial and body hair. I saw it everywhere in blogosphere and always thought it's such a handy tool.

Strawberry sponge hair rollers: Okay these I desperately wanted. If these can give me perfect curls in minutes, then I would just scream in joy

Oil Cleansing Pads

Malian Roller Makeup: Never got my most wanted Loreal Roller Foundation coz the first time they didn't have my shade and then later I just lost interest, so I got myself these. 

Hair velcro to keep your fringe/hair from your face while doing makeup or washing your face. Must-have for me

Dental Peeling Sponge. Okay, I'm not quite sure what these do exactly. They're for cleaning or whitening (?) teeth. The 'can-barely-speak-English-but-sweet & helpful' SA said "They take out yellow" =D haha...

They're all cheap too. I got all of these for about Rs.585 :))

That's all for now. Happy Friday all!

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^


  1. Awww...very cute haul...I feel like grabbing all of those,especially that spring tweezer n the face mask cuties!


  2. when i went to malaysia all I did was go around that stupid tower and gentok heights. Awesome haul!!

  3. Wow, everything looks so cool & so much fun.. I quite liked the L'oreal dupe rollers :)

  4. hey nice haul. even i went only to petronas(didnt buy anything there) and genting and all those plazes only .......sadly didnt buy anything......anyway buy more and post 'em and definitely do reviews :)

  5. oh wow super cute store!! I wish we had the same thing here >.<

    I think I've seen the strawberry hair rollers before. wonder if they really work!

  6. G8t haul & g8t prices.. quite like the DIY face masks and the rollers :)

  7. wow, what a great shop! I agree with you on not taking chances on skincare. Love your haul, especially the compressed masks!

  8. Best deal I've heard so far !!!!!!!!

  9. Quite a haul!! I loved cotton masks, spong rollers and velcro.!! Steal in Rs. 585


  10. oh i want the rollers.. i hope it works..

  11. i love everything u got girl :))

  12. What an adorable haul..they take out yellow..haha..
    I don like the loreal true match roller foundation if thats the one yr talking about ..

  13. OMG..the shop is sooo cute..and the SAs tooo :D I want those compressed face masks...everything is so pretty packed :-)

  14. Loving your haul! you got hold off some really cool stuff, Cynthia! xoxo

  15. you got some lovely tools there! I have that spring thing too and that's what I love to use for facial hair. It will hurt initially but works wonders for a quick-fix

  16. Oh and whilst yr holidaying Cynthia- Forever 21 has opened in Delhi !!!. I just wrote about the opening on my blog.. but it was so fun, yll love the store

  17. Just loved your haul Cynthia..i wish this could be in the give aways especially the yummy hair rollers..i love curls.:)

  18. What a pretty store! Definitely love the umbrella decorations too =D Nice haul, girlie! If you love the compressed cotton DIY Face Masks, you may want to check out eBay for them as well. I bought a bunch from eBay a while ago.

  19. I'v ordered some face masks from few days back and can't wait to try them ^_^.

    Love ur blog and keep up the good work!

  20. Amazing stuff... i wish i could get my hands on it... :p ... take care.... <3

  21. do the Strawberry sponge hair rollers work? would you be able to give a review on them?

  22. Harpreet, I haven't really used them properly. Will do a review this week


  23. Liked those facial mask , esply after viewing ur review and those roller makeup looks fun :)

  24. i have those strawberry sponge rollers
    they are light weight
    pretty to use
    they gave loose touselled look to the hair


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