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Lakme Aqua Shine Lipcolor ~ Review

What it is? A lipstick, lip balm and lip gloss all in one, with a soft spongy tip applicator.

Shade ~ 'Old Rose'
Price ~ Rs.395

Applied a bit thickly

I think I have found a Lakme product I like enough to buy again. Aquashine Lip Color has a coconutty flavor which I love (I told you I like everything coconuts, right?)
For me, 'Old Rose' is the best pinkish-nude shade I have ever tried. Beats L'oreal Star Secrets Aishwarya Rai shade by a mile. Oh, it also beats my Mac 'Hug Me' lipstick - shade-wise.

It kinda looks like Nars Turkish Delight (on the lips.) Perfect for smokey eyes, and I think it's a shade that would suit most Indian skin tones.

The texture is very creamy, so avoid locking your lips too much so it won't streak.

Wow! Lakme has really raised their prices, huh? Rs.395 for this :O
I think Rs.250-ish would suit this more. Okay, not more than Rs.300 if you push it.

I'd buy up to 5 more shades if they bring the price down to Rs.250. Really.

Do you think the people at Lakme read beauty blogs???

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^


  1. I love and love this product by Lakme. I have three of these- Ginger, Old Rose and Coral But yes, the price hurts!

    I am myself going to do a review on them. By the way, old rose is by far my fav colouur among all the lipsticks I own. :)

  2. wow !
    this shades suits ya .. buh nt more than yer hot pink shades :)
    yeah , even I wantd to try this(in coral and wine) buh I agree with yu , 395 INR is just too steep for a brand lyk lakme !!

  3. Whoah I really like the color, looks pigmented and creamy plus the fact that it has a coconutty flavor, interesting ^_^ I think the color really suits your fair skin.

    Have a nice day ^_^

  4. @Rati..that's great! I really liked Coral too.

    @Palak..ya i guess *Hot* is always more interesting ;) They have brought their prices to Maybelline level. Heck how many pple would pick a Lakme over a Maybelline??

    @Twinsouls888..thank u

    Y'all Have a nice day :)

  5. Pretty, I have a lakme salon 2 min away from my home at Bangalore, always a pleasure to xplore at Lakme! I go wild and end up buying things I dont use religiously :)

    I heard people raving abt this, but dont u think this wud luk bright on dark skin? May be, dark skin needs a single coat or something? wat do u say? luv ur post...

    u and ur coconut :) we both sail in the same boat...I love coconut, but only fresh. I dont like the stink of coconut oil in my food :)

  6. Divija,

    Let me answer this one to you. I hope Cynthia won't mind.

    This colour basically dulls down your complexion a bit. Although, it looks pretty overall and luminates a beautiful shade on lips- it is not for dusky compelxion. A hot pink or a fresher colour of pink would make a beautiful colour for dusky complexion. :)

  7. Hey Divija thanks..Yup even I neglect my Lakme products :)Haha..yes me n coconuts. N yes this shade would look good on dark skin tones 2 coz it'll always look nude.It looks brighter here coz thick+flash+daylight. It's pretty n subtle and could b more flattering on most dark ST more than cliched dark shades that most Indians r afraid to steer away from. Even Oprah looks better n younger in light sheer lip colors. I ♥ her!

    @Rati..hey of course i don't mind dear. This dulls down your complexion?


  8. the color is so cute, i love creamy pinks!

  9. Oh yes! Although I love the colour and the way it looks on me. But yes I noticed that my complexion brightens up more when I use brighter shades of pink. :)

    Silly! how colours can look diff on diff people. :)

    Also, could you please tell me what is this bidding system on EBAy? I got all confused. :(

  10. Rati u need to see the time the bidding will go on for. See starting that amount.. if some1 bids higher..u bid higher...n so on. U can decide the price u'd b willing to pay for it.If ur the highest bidder when the timer stops then the product is yrs. Good luck!

    Thanks Amy!


  11. hehe if not then its high time they should start reading it :P and the color looks fab on u hun :) Simply gorgeous!

  12. This suits you big time. I love it! Dammit Lakme is not sold here. I want to come to India!!!

  13. Ah! Such a nice pastel pink lip colour! It looks fab on your lips hun! xoxo

  14. Hey! Nice post! I too have this in coral and some other pink shade whose name i just can't recollect. Frankly i was very disappointed with these. No staying power what so ever on me.. Doesn't even leave a stain on the lips post fading.. Tht is a lot of money for something tht just won't stay put..

  15. HI Cynthia,

    Another thing. Are the products second hand or the new ones on EBAY?

  16. ya they shud

    @CB..Come come..lots of Lakme here :P

    @The B..thanks girl

    @Tanveer...yup staying power is weak aka staying no-power :P

    @Kuri...Thanks girl..Lakme is an Indian brand


  17. This onez great ! I've tried NARS Turkish Delight - its terribly milky on me. This is just pretty pretty pretty

  18. @AIMB..oh really? I have not tried Nars TD coz it's not available here...i only see it in pictures..hehe..Thanks :)

  19. Oh, this colour looks fantastic on you (you've got pretty lips, btw)! I love the shine that it gives. :)

  20. i bought 3 mths back from my local market..shade color "orchid"..n it cost me Rs. 425/ is nice bt it should not be worth more than 300/-....

  21. @Shweta ~ Really! That's definitely too much. I should not be more than 300

    @Witoxicity~ I'm late, but thanks! :D


  22. I bought this product for 425 rs /- Phew !! :-(

  23. can i get this product in USA.plz anyone tel me. i m in Michigan

  24. Tody i bought it as the price is raised n now its 420 but i mus sy its jus a fb to use it ...stayng pwr is good...n now agn m going to buy a 1or 2or 3 i don mny moree so... try itt..


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