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And the Winner is.......!!!

First of all, I'd like to thank you all for entering my first blog contest and also apologize for the late announcement.
I left it up to Random.Org to pick the winner.

I decided that the first name that comes in the list after randomizing would be the winner.
GO!!! Abracadabra.......
And the winner of my 'Lucky #22 Giveaway Contest' is.....

KURI ♥ AYU!!! 

Congratulations Girly!!! =)

P.S: The extra prize will be revealed later this week. Ms.Slowpoke is not done with it yet :\

For the rest of you lovelies who didn't win, there's always next time - Maybe 100 Followers Contest??? If that time ever comes :)

Thanks again.

DBA ^_^


  1. Uiiii...congrats to the winner and wishes to the giver!

  2. congrats kuri♥ayu! =) and you will have 100 followers in no time hun coz you have a super kewl blog ♥

  3. Congrats kuri !!
    dun wory hun .. I knw yu'll have 100 followers soon :)
    waiting for yer next give-away :P
    btw how is touche eclat working ??

  4. congrats to the winner :D looking forward to your next give away!!!


I ♥ finding little notes in my Vanity Case, so do drop one. I read all of them & I try my best to reply to each & every one of them [check back in 2-3 days =D] but most times it's physically impossible! Either way, I love to hear from you & really appreciate you taking the time out to share your thoughts <3

Thank you for reading! :)
