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Etude House Missing U Hand Cream

Just a quick post to tell you that I'm Missing You!

Etude House Missing U Hand Cream in 'Panda Story'

Also available- Harp Seal, Fairy Penguin & Pink Dolphin

How cute, right? :) . It moisturizes hands well & smells really nice- kinda peachy, but very mild. 

Price ~ Approx. Rs.375/- 

Will be back with more haul posts soon! I've bought quite a lot of stuff so far. Returned to Malaysia from Singapore yesterday, and will be here till Friday. Can't wait to blog seriously ( again.

P.S: Got a very bad haircut today, so I'm feeling very emotional (yes, I cried a leetle bit too...whatever..hehe) Here's an advice for you ladies- Never get a haircut from male hairstylists (unless it's Jawed Habib or Ken Paves). Most of them don't understand as much. Take it from me:
Male hairstylist 1- Made my hair look like it has a lot split ends!
Male hairstylist 2 (today) - Imagine placing a big bowl on the crown & chop chop chop! Argh! (lower half is still shoulder length though, so I can clip the top half.)
I don't even want to talk about the 2-3 idiots I've had before the two up there.

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^


  1. aww sorry about your hair :( that's why i cut my own hair sometimes cause most hair stylist don't do it the way i want it to look. we're opposites tho cause i like my hair cut by male BUT gay hairstylists rather than female. anyway hope u feel better don't be too sad it will grow back. *hugs*
    and those are the cutest hand creams ever!

  2. dat looks super cute...
    sorry for ur hair...I know how u wud be feeling !!

  3. Aww such cute hand creams!And i like the silver keys on yr lappy!!!

    Ouch about the hair cut..i know how it feels!!!

  4. That looks so cute Cynthia, we miss u too :))

  5. cute hand creams!!!
    sorry abt the happens all the time...

  6. the packaging is so cute...
    and your hairs will grow back so dont feel bad..this is what i tell myself when i get a bad haircut:)

  7. super cute it :-)

    btw i have a male haistylist......he is superb with my hair....knows what will suit my i leave my hair to him.

    nevermind sweets.... ur hair is gonna grow back..!!

  8. Aww..don't worry..u'll be fine dear...eventually :P..I remember I had to attend this meeting once, and I went to a good stylist for a haircut and blow the end,I looked like a CAT! or a lion :| With my hair standing every which way...ugh :(

  9. awwwww don't feel bad about your haircut dear. you can always get extensions and wait for your hair to grow until you feel better with your hair. :)

    i also have these missing u creams! =) the packaging got me hahaha!

  10. Aww don't be upset it will grow out in no time.

    Super cute packaging.

  11. Aww hon, dont feel bad about hair, it will grow back. It took me 3 years to recover from my pixie cut, but now its fine :) Yours will be fine in 2-3 months. AND YES I AM MISSING IVC <3

  12. awww so sorry about the haircut hun! i've had similar experiences in the past hence I prefer to trim it at home. youtube has such helpful vids ;)

  13. OMG Cutest packaging ever!

    I'm sorry for your hair ): I've solved this problem by cutting my own hair!

  14. so cute!! and sorry about the haircut :( i hate when that happens!
    im your new follower i hope you'll follow me back :)

  15. Omg the panda is so adorable!

  16. lol that panda is such a cutie! After Nyx cupcake glosses, I think dis li'l baby is the cutest!! :D

  17. very cute.i like d panda one.sorry abt the haircut.missing u2.

  18. These look sooooooooooooooooooo cute.. I want.. I want and waiting to see your haul.. :)

  19. Aw, I want that hand cream! It's shame it's not sold here. T_T Looking forward to those haul posts!

    Sorry to hear about your haircut. Believe it or not, I prefer a guy cutting my hair b/c my personal experience has been that they've done a better job. Weird, right? The good thing about hair though is that it grows back!

  20. aww! how adorable. :)


  21. Awwww! So sorry about your haircut.. Hope it gets better soon :)

    Love that cute panda :)

  22. That's so adorable.
    The penguin is sooo cute

  23. oh so cute :-)
    where did u buy this?

  24. where did u orderd it from??!?!?!


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Thank you for reading! :)
