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Jewelry Of The Day

Monday morning. How are you all doing? Honestly, I didn't know where to start again after the weekend, so I thought I will indulge you, or rather myself, in a little bit of shiny.

First up is a Bow Brooch: I bought this at a mall when my loose skirt felt like it was going to fall off =D. Since then, it has really prettified my plain outfits, like a plain black top & a LBD

`550 (I think)

Forever 21 Love necklace. Cheesy yet love-ly ;)


Forever 21 12-pair stud earrings: You gotta have these! 4 types in 3 different sizes each. 3 pairs are missing, and yes I can't find them!


Forever 21 Chandelier Earrings- FREE with a bill of `5000 (mine & my friend's combined). They are so gorgeous! I ♥ them!

 Retail price `450-550

"Jewelry takes people's minds off your wrinkles" ~ Sonja Henie.

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^


  1. Lovely chandellier earings and cute brooch. I like them so much. Thanks for sharing dear :)

  2. dat brooch is awesum...!!
    so pretty...

  3. I love the bow & the earrings a lot! Nice collection CZ :)

  4. i want the brooch cute!!!..i wish i get to see my skirt getting loose some day :D

  5. The brooch is so gorgeous <3

  6. I love the brooch! xx

  7. Wow, very pretty haul I love the stud set!! :)


  8. Loved the bow and the multi sized earrings....This makes me wonder why I haven't yet visited F21...its so close to ma place

  9. Thanks for the comments all. Happy u liked my stuff :)


  10. Nice Bow Brooch... I would love to find one like this.

  11. That is such a classy brooch! Bought out of necessity but now it's a staple. Nice! :)


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Thank you for reading! :)
