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In Memory of Brittany Murphy

I'm so shocked and saddened by the death of actress and singer Brittany Murphy.
I just felt like putting up this video from my all-time favorite and the cutest movie ever~ Just Married.

♥ Rest in Peace Brittany ♥

♥ Cynthia Z ^_^



  1. I, too, am soo shocked and sad that she died so young. its so ironic, yesterday i was just reading about her weight loss, she loooked great! so sad.

  2. WHAT?! Brittany Murphy is dead?!
    I first know this news from your blog. I'm so shocked O__O ...she's one of my favorite actresses...

    RIP Brittany

  3. I was so upset when I heard this. I am a huge fon of hers. I too blogged about her :)

  4. OMG. She's one of my favorite actresses too! I just knew this from your blog! So sad :(

  5. I know, I can't believe sad. She was only 32, far too young to go. I wonder what exactly happened? I'll have to watch the news shows today and try to get some more info. Thanks for posting this Cynthia!

  6. I know she was too young :(
    May her soul rest in peace

  7. @Stephanie...hi ya i know. I can't find yr blog tho :)

  8. OMG! when did this happen? so sad!
    She was a young actress, very talented, very pretty....
    really shocking :(
    may your soul rest in peace Brittany

  9. OMG I Just Felt Sooo Sad Either She Was So Young(only 32 I guess) And I Realy Likeed her:(! RIP Brittany


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