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My Favorite Blog Post 1~ NKOTB "The Tickler"

 So I've decided to post some of my favorite blog posts, every now and then.

The first one that left a lasting impression in my mind so much so that even 5 months later I still think about it when insomnia hits and laugh under the covers, is "NKOTB" (New Kid On The Blog) by Witoxicity. It is the funniest post by a beauty blogger I have ever come across. I laughed so hard, tears came out. Many thanks to Mara for sharing this post in her blog 5 months ago and in a way introduced me to Witoxicity.

NKOTB ~ by Witoxicity

I ♥ that drawing =D

I’m the New Kid On The Blog. I have openly admitted that I’m a makeup late bloomer, so I might as well fess up and say that I’ve been quite a makeup jargon dummy too. Everybody has to start somewhere! Trying to guess the meanings of abbreviations and acronyms in the early days was like a fun sport for me, a kind of mental jogging.

One of the first abbreviations that I came across when I was researching makeup for problem skin last year was MMU. Since the topic was on makeup and not on a university in Manchester, I quickly realised that it stood for mineral makeup. And while on the subject of MMU, have you ever tried EDM? I have bought several products from Everyday Minerals, including its flat top brush which has received very good reviews. It’s really a great face brush……but I digress.

Well, there was also MUA. After circling the internet block quite a bit, I found out that MUA could mean Makeup Alley, the popular beauty community website, and it could also stand for makeup artist, though the latter is sometimes also represented by MA, I think.

“I have yet to find my HG foundation.”

When I first read that in a blog written by this very anxious girl, I didn’t have a clue as to what HG meant. “Is that a brand?” I wondered. “Does it stand for High Grade, a product of superior quality?”

On another blog written by a very enthusiastic female: “MAC MSF is my HG highlighter!!”

[Eyes glazed over]

Thankfully, I came across a forum where someone, unaware that she was doing me a great favour, kindly typed out the full words ‘Holy Grail’. Enlightenment!
I had to Google for MSF though because my guesses were associated with

(a) Doctors Without Borders, and
(b) Microsoft 
........Please read the rest here and if you end up wiping tears off  your face, do let her know about it ;)Thanks Witoxicity for letting me share your hilarious post.And before I sign off.....
LOL!!! =D

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^

March Favorites ~ Make-up, Perfume, Haircare, Skincare

♥ Make-up ♥

Koi Make-up Palette

I got this palette a while back but never really used it. I was too busy obsessing over my 120 palette. But recently I've been reaching for it most of the time because the eyeshadow colors are so bright and shimmery, so summer. The quality of the eyeshadows is pretty good too, considering it's an unknown Asian brand. This palette comes with blushers, a tiny mascara and lippies too, but I've never really used them.

Bourjois Hi-Tech Lip Tint in #83 Rose Virtuel

I just love the Bourjois Hi-tech Lip tints, especially the packaging. I had this in Rose Pixel too, but my friend liked it a lot and wanted it so I gave it to her. But Rose Virtuel was always my favorite of the two because it's more pink and a bit more subtle than Rose Pixel, which is more red.

♥ Perfume ♥

YSL Paris Premieres Roses

Since the teaser trailer of Sex and the City movie sequel came out, I've been feeling very impatient. This perfume reminds me of the last two episodes of the series which were shot in Paris. It smells very fruity-floral and girly. Very "Paris" =). I think I will be wearing it till the movie releases in May. Can't wait!

♥ Haircare ♥

Forest Essentials Virgin Coconut Oil

This is cold pressed, organic, nutrient rich and unrefined virgin coconut oil. I love to massage this on my hair before shampooing. My hair does feel softer. Sometimes use it on my body too, especially on my feet.
Price ~ Rs.325 for 200 ml.

♥ Skincare ♥

Body Shop Vitamin C Time release Capsules

As you can see there are only two left =). I love these. They make my skin feel so smooth and I really like the citrusy smell . I use one capsule right after cleansing before bedtime and use nothing else on top of it.

INATURE Herbals Sandal Face Pack

I found this mask in the supermarket. Never heard about this brand before, but I thought the ingredients sound nice. It contains Chandan (Indian Sandal) - Helps to remove dead cells, Kesar(Saffron)- Helps to enhance complexion, Turmeric -for blemish free fair skin. Daily use is recommended. What I don't like about it is that it stings my eyes while I apply it. Really really stings! Red eyes, tears rolling! So i'm not sure if I'll buy it again. But when I'd just started using this, one morning I saw that my skin looked like satin especially my forehead. That happened once! That's why I still like to use it hoping my skin will look like that again.
Price~ Rs.120 only.

Body Shop Pomegranate Body Polish

I like this so much better than the Strawberry Body Polish. I use this 2-3 times a week with the Body Shop Bath Gloves below....

Body Shop Bathing Gloves

I wonder why I have didn't buy these sooner. I think you have more control lathering and scrubbing with these and they could be a substitute for a weekly body scrub.

Rafael Salgado Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Would you look at how cute that bottle is! I love using this to massage my face and body. I've used it to remove my make-up too and it takes off everything, but I still have to wash it off with a cleanser, unlike a cleansing oil. I got this at the supermarket ~ Rs.250 for 250 ml.

Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser

First of all, I just love love love how this smells! And second, it does make my skin feel very clean and fresh. I've always wanted to try this but I had only seen it in the big bottle, so I always hesitated to get it. When i saw this smaller 50 ml bottle for Rs.80, I hesitated no more. 

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^


Reader's Request ~ Some Mac Lipstick Swatches

Natural Lips

Mac Hug Me (Lustre)

Mac Sweetie (Lustre)

Mac See Sheer (Lustre)

Mac Lustering (Lustre)

*I like Mac Lustre finish a lot but I do notice that they tend do dry out my lips if I don't reapply when they wear off, asap.

Mac Myth (Satin)

*I do not like Mac Myth at all. See how weird it looks! >.<  . Plus I am not a fan of their Satin finish.

Mac Profusion (Amplified)

* Not a fan of Amplified finish either. There's only one shade (Show Orchid) available in the Mac website, so I guess they'll discontinue it soon (?)

Mac Lickable (Amplified Cremesheen)

It was tricky to capture the actual color of Mac Lickable on camera. Mac describes it as 'Bright Clean Blue Pink' but I beg to differ. I think it has more of a reddish tone to it.
Review here

I hope you'll find these swatches helpful.
Have a great week! 

♥ Cynthia Z ^.^